Dimitrih Correa is a young Brazilian designer with a passion for wood. He stied at the UFRJ of Rio and at DIT of Dublin. It was nice to see someone working loving his tools, materials and techniques. He helped us designing the structure of the first chair of CCC.

M: Ola Dimitrih,
D: Ola Matteo!
What is your
background? Where you come from?
I was born in Rio and studied industrial design at UFRJ, the federal university of rio de janeiro, and at DIT, dublin institute of

M: How this affect your work? Do you have a particular influence from your culture?
D: The influences I have come from brazilian modernism
and also multicultural brazilian culture brings a lot of inspiration.
M: What's your favourite wood?
D: It’s hard to tell just one wood, but I would say
Peroba do Campo not only for it’s beauty but also for it’s history being now an
endangered specie from Mata Atlântica can only be found in reclaimed

M: Which were the structure challenge of this CCC
The trickiest part was to find a way to fix the metal
net in an harmonious way, also we choose joints that are strong, allowing the
chair to last for generations and the brazilian flag marquetry detail was not
easy to make but adds a charming touch to it.

M: Do you think that Brazilian woodwork could represent Brazilian design all around the world?
D: No doubts that brazilian designers that also woodwork
have achieved international status. Rodrigo Calixto, Fernando Mendes and
Ricardo Graham for example with his sela stool for PP mobler, to name just a
few of them, but there are several great others.
M: Which of the 8 countries of CCC would you
like to explore?
D: I think all 8 countries are deeply rich in many aspects and the culture from each of them is wonderful, so it’s a hard choice, I would like to explore all of them.

Own design project by Dimitrih Correa